Wass up niggaz? This is DJ Stubblejumper wit a story you aint gonna believe.
DJ Stubblejumper is in the joint. Thats right. The goddamn mothafuckin joint. The po-lice dun set me up again. They just cant stands a gopher like me bein a successful entrepreneur. Theze trying to keep me down homiez. I aint do nuttin wrong and sez I didnt do nuttin but them mothafuckas just dont lissen.A fews weeks ago the pigz came to the farm looking for a suspect the sez jacked a car in Prince Albert. They said it was a gopher that dun it and had a description. When they came to the farm most of the gophers hid in their holes but I ain’t scared of no po-lice. They roughed us up and we all had to line up against the side of the barn. They took four of us to the station for a lineup. I wuz protesting because I aint do nothing but they just sayin we look like the suspect. I told him that wuz bullshit. The cracker mothafucka po-lice thinking we gophers all be lookin the same. Goddamn racialism again.At the po-lice station youze can guess what happened. We wuz all in the line-up and it dont take not time before I get popped. I didn’t do a goddamn thing and I get still get locked up on some bullshit. Goddamn! Whats a gopher got to do to get some justice? I wuz in court and that wuz mo bullshit. The judge be going on and on about some legal bullshit that dont make no difference cuz I aint do nuthin. He told me he wuz gonna send me up for a while to teach me a lesson. What lesson? That youze a racist? Yeah, lesson learned honkey mothafucka.
So next the shipped me off to the joint and damn was it tough. The first day I wuz there some big tattooed motherfucker done try and take my lunch tray. If you knowz DJ Stubblejumper, you knowz aint nobody come between me and my food. I broke that mothafucka down right then and there. It was so goddamn fast the guards didn’t even see what happened. The second day some other punk ass bitch try and pull some mo bullshit and I broke him down too. After that I wuz getting props from the other prisoners. I may be small but Iz one mean prarie mothafucka.
I got put on library detail which is cool cuz I get a chance to gets some mo knowledge and I also gets to use a computer which is howz I be writin this today. It aint all good though. The punk ass motha I broke down at lunch befo has gotz some friends whose gonna try something. I gots to be on my toes since I ain’t going down like that. Aint nobody gonna take me out in the joint. No goddamn way.
The DJ is the flyest mothafucka to eva be bustin outta Prince Albert. Yo that's Saskatchewan mothafuckas! Reprezentin! The DJ be a playa and a rhyme saya. Here is my profile niggaz!
Yo! Check out my home boyz:
Fluwten McGunch
I'm McGunch. Fluwten McGunch. I am a humble proletariat and a championship beekeeper. I do wipe from the front but my doctor has stated unequivocally that my genitalia is "beyond reproach." If you have the balls, take a look here.
Ninja Shinichi
My name Shinichi. I am ninja of Japan. I now having my own site for writing of blog. More read about me here.