Tryin to make a livin theze dayz aint eazy. Especially if some punk-ass mothafucka iz alwayz on yo case and aint ever let up. Itz even harder if youze a gopher tryin to break outta the farm. Some peoplez be helpin you bust outta the hood and help you make it to the big time. But otherz dont want youze to go nowhereze. They be doin everythin they can to keep you under their feet. Iz talking about Da Man. Everywherez you be goin Da Man tryin to keep you down. If youze just a broke-ass nigga gopher from the hood, Da Man aint gonna do nuttin for you. Nuttin. On the farm, Da Man is the farmer.

Farmers are a bunch of racist cracker mothafuckas who aint give a shit about anyone on the farms except demselves and their family. Slavery be outlawed everywhere
except for on the farm. On the farm, slavery aint just legal, it's a way of life. Da Man gots slaves everywhere - cows, chickens, pigs etc. And they be doin exactly what the farmer sez or else they get popped. Sometimez they be doin exactly what theze supposed to be doing but
still they be getting popped!
Gophers like me ain't no slaves but we aint free either. Da Man can just cap a gopher anytimez he be wantin to and their aint no goddamn thing weze can do about it. Goin to the po-lice aint gonna do a damn thing cuz the whole system iz setup to protect and serve Da Man. I aint goin out like a sucka though. If some punk-ass farmer ever be tryin some bullshit with me I be takin him out gangter style. Just like Public Enemy sez, fight the power. I'll jack his mothafuckin John Deere tractor, ride up to the farmhouse and cap him and his whole goddamn racist mothafucka family. Don't fuck with a nigga gopher from the hood biatch!