I gotz to tell youze boyz and girlz that Tyrone's crop is the shit. Those British Columbia mothafuckas better watch out because Tyrone gotz the hydroponics shit goin on.
After we started blazin we put in a DVD and watched "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" again. Youze best believin that between the joint and the movie we had a mad cravin for some White Castle. Of course they aint no White Castle in Saskatchewan (none that I ever seen anywayz) soze we had to go into town to the A and W (cuz their aint nuttin else). Of course we aint down with payin for no food. We parked a few blocks down the street and walked to the A&W. We waited by the drive through window. Some punks in a pickup truck pulled up and ordered mothafuckin Teen burger and fries and shakes. Tyrone and I could already taste it. Damn we wuz hungry. So, when the order wuz ready, we crawled right under the truck window. When the fastfood biatch passed the food to the punks in the truck, we ran up the side of the truck, grabbed the food and ran off. We jacked them mothafuckas for their food right in the drive through! A few moments later we were at the jeep. We jumped in and sped off in case 5-0 be showin up.
On the way back we drove by a farm and saw a fine-looking biatch standing by the side of the road.

We pulled over and introduced ourselvez. She said her name wuz "Luscious." Damn! She said she been turning tricks on the gravel road in front of that farm for the last month. Of course I gotz to thinkin that I could also use another ho in my stable. A pimp alwayz gotz to be lookin out for new talent. Me and Luscious gotz to talkin and befo you know it, she in the back of the jeep and weze headin home. I knowz what ya''l be thinkin - as soon as I gotz home I hit that booty. Well, the DJ Stubblejumper don't roll like that. First of all, I aint down with no sheep - I aint no oreo race traitor. Second of all, a good pimp don't be bangin his own ho's. If you be doin that, all the ho's start gettin jealous of one another etc etc. I aint gotz time for that bull-shit.
Sorry Iz can't be writin more now. Tyrone's chronic gotz me all fucked up...