Wass up niggaz? Well, the DJ Stubblejumper is ready to go down to Hollywood and go on a mothafuckin rampage. I wuz just at Tyrone's gopher hole checkin out how his hydroponic weed operation iz goin. When I wuz there, he wuz tellin me a story about Richard Gere. Tyrone's be telling me lotza people has heard this story before but not me. Tyrone told me that Richard Gere be taking gerbils, shovin them up his ass and he be getting his kicks that way. I first sez to Tyrone that he be talkin bull-shit. But Tyrone sweared to me he aint lyin. I aint ever known Tyrone be saying no lies soze I gotz to believe him. When I realized it be true, youze best believe I wuz angry. Gopherz and gerbilz and kind of like cousins (weze both rodents) soze if someone be harassing a gerbil an O.G. gopher from the hood like me aint gonna put up with it.
When I getz enough money from pimpin and deliverin Tyrone's weed, Iz gonna uze some of the profits to but a ticket to Los Angeles, California and pay a little visit Mr. Richard Mothafucka Gere. Iz gonna take that sucka out gangster style. Any of you punkass Hollywood fools who be stickin rodents up yo ass best be stoppin that before I getz there. Iz gonna start with Richard Gere, but aint gonna stop untilz I getz all the gerbil abusing mothafuckas in Hollywood. Itz on suckas!